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Country where the variety was bred: France - Florimond Desprez
Registration year: 2011 
Virgo condition: Boned - White - Long
Spike color: White
Plant posture: Semi Upright / Upright
Time to start: Medium -Late
Plant height: Medium
Protein (%): 12.7
Average yield: 350 - 442 kg/da
Plant height: 115-125 cm.
Hectoliter weight (kg/hl): 74.7
1000 grain weight: 45 g.

Kinerite is a high yielding and high protein, cold and drought resistant variety.
It gave very good results in the trials made in Central Anatolia and arid regions.
It has a high ability to blend. It doesn't shed.
Resistant to common leaf diseases.

As fodder alone or forage peas, vetch etc. It can be planted as a mixture with legumes.
Sowing norm is 15-20 kg/da when sown alone, when sown with a mixture
It is 10-15 kg/da.

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